Been asked by a few subscribers on my blog to post some updated pictures of my marine tank and also to share some tips that I have learnt along the way. Thanks for your email and the kind words firstly.
The best advice I can give is to be patient. Never rush into building your dream marine tank. It has taken me 2.5 years to get to this stage and I still feel I have a long way to go. There are so many beautiful corals I wish I could just purchase but I’m doing it in slow steps which I believe is the best method to maintain a healthy reef ecosystem. Research as much as possible online and join various reefing forums and absorb as much knowledge as you can. When purchasing fish don’t ever impulse buy as the last thing you want is your pretty fish to be bullied by other tank mates.
Still to this day all I dose in my tank is calcium and bi-carb soda which you can get at wollies for $2.50. Keep it simple and don’t get pressured into buying all sorts of treatments and other various products to make your tank look magical over night. If you have specific questions just comment away, but I highly suggest you join a reefing forum.
Here are some newer pics:
Everything is thriving and I feel my tank is getting too small to accommodate everything. Just recently my elegance coral has split a new piece (it was about 5cms wide). A month later its now nearly 10cms wide. You can see it in the image below (far left). Im also thinking of upgrading to a 5*3*2 tank so if that goes ahead keep and eye out on my blog for future updates.
Aamer - Sidd,
That’s a really neat setup. My tank and is only about 6 months old and i know i still have a long way to go. I was almost convinced that i need to add chemical supplements to keep it running but thats changed after reading your post.
I still quite didn’t get the bi-carb soda part. Why do we need to add it and how much do we add?
I going crazy trying to get the 0 phospate level. Any tricks to get that down?
siddr - Hi Aamer,
I dose bi-carb to keep my alk levels up. You can use other products, but essentially bi-carb soda is the same thing. Why pay 20-30 bucks when you can buy it for $2.50 at a local supermarket.
Bi-carb and calcium are the only things I dose. Whats in your tank currently?
Also doing regular water changes will be very beneficial.
Do you use RO water to do top ups? If you using normal tap water it contains chemicals like chlorine which can harm your reef habitants. Also dont over feed your fish.
Cecily - amazing colors 😉
Snorkeling at Great Barrief Reef » Sidd Rishi Photography - […] Finally I did it!!! I have been dreaming about this day for years and years. I have a great love for marine life and I’m sure you all have seen my 4ft mixed reef tank by now. If not click here. […]