Aarti and Tejas had a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony followed by a beautiful reception at the Waterview Convention Centre in Bicentennial Park, Homebush. A few months before the wedding day we actually all went down to the venue to get an idea of the location and pick the spots for the bridal shoot, but unfortunately on the day the ceremony took a bit longer and we were stressed for time. We had a quick 10 minute window for the couple shoot before the reception started.
I would like to thank my 2nd shooters Matt Mead and Tony Moores for taking over at the reception and being the main shooters so I could relax with all my friends and enjoy the night.
Few sample shots can be seen below:
After groom is in position in the mandap, bride then comes out carrying the groom’s garland which is escorted by her uncle.
Some quick natural shots outside before the reception:
I hardly took more than 10 images at the reception as I wanted to relax and enjoy the night. But here are just a few I wanted to share. Also the beautiful flower decorations were done by Aarti’s cousin Anjali. If you want flower decorations done at your event be sure to get in touch with me and I will pass on her details to you.
Jay - Wonderful work Sidd! So lively and bright with some great smiles and moments captured. Well done.
Aarti - Thankyou for doing such an amazing job!! Loving them!
Joanne - These pics are breathtaking, by far some of your best work yet, great work!
Aps - incredible, and as usual you have captured the perfect moments and expressions! well done.
Josh - Gorgeous shots Sidd. Great lighting and consistency!
Julian Beattie - Fantastic photo journalistic day here! Love it!
Julian Beattie - Fantastic photo journalistic here! Nicely done!
Pranjal - wow sidd !!!
soooo many natural smiles captured!!
🙂 🙂
your style is very inspiring.
Tejas and Aarti – Prewedding shoot » Sidd Rishi Photography - […] Wedding Photos can be found here: Click ME!! […]
narendra jalwani - amazing brightness is highlighting the moments of joy