Sidd Rishi Photography » Sydney based Indian Wedding photographer also specalising in Glamour, Beauty and Fashion photography

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My marine tank turns 2

My love for marine life became a reality 3 years ago when my neighbour help me to set up a nano tank with just live rocks and two fish. A year on and learning as much as possible I then upgraded to a huge 4ft tank with beautiful colourful corals and invertebrates. Coming from a such a small tank it was a huge step forward but well worth it. A lot of ups and downs on the way, but the tank is finally maturing successfully and is well established and stable.

Would like to thank my neighbour once again for helping me with this tank. Both of us spent over a week building the stand and doing all the plumbing work. Couldn’t have done it without you mate!!!

The pictures below show the progress of the tank over the two years.

Week one:

Few months later:

A year on:

How it looks now:









  • March 19, 2011 - 6:26 pm

    Mark - That’s awesome mate.

    I’ve always wanted to do something like that as I have just the right place for it, between two columns in my front entrance way.

    How hard was it to get it all going?

    BTW, great photos as always πŸ™‚

  • March 20, 2011 - 2:06 pm

    siddr - Thanks for the kind words. Its not hard, just gotta spend a fair bit of time at the start each day. I suggest you join the MASA forums if you do want to go ahead. You will learn so much!!
    Cheers πŸ™‚

  • March 26, 2011 - 9:24 pm

    Josh - Awesome tank and fish Sidd!

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